“Civil activism for achieving circular economy inwaste management of organic waste “

Project Reference # 9
Project Title:



Financed by:

“Civil activism for achieving circular economy inwaste management of organic waste “

Civil Society Facility – CSSF North Macedonia Civica Mobilities,


The Swiss Confederation, represented by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, acting through the Agency for Development and Cooperation, Embassy of Switzerland in North Macedonia

Implementing Partners: Partner organization: NGO Eco Logic and NGO Florozon from Skopje, North Macedonia, (June 2024 – October 2026)
Project Aim: The aim of the project is achieving a circular economy through sustainable management of organic waste by acquiring practical knowledge, which contributes to the achievement of sustainable development.
Project Activities: The specific objectives of this project are:

S.O.1: Familiarizing students from 7th to 9th year from the municipal primary schools from the Skopski region, with the potential for reuse of bio waste as resource throughout demonstration of practical techniques in the biotechnological laboratory.

S.O 2: Civil activism used for sustainable management of waste and contribution for prevention of organic waste to be dumped on landfill trough processing of waste.

S.O.3: Final promotional event of open character intended to present project results and informing around 100 000 citizens.

Expected impacts/results: ·         R.1: 500-1000 students from 10 municipal primary schools from Skopje will acquire practical knowledge on utilizing the benefits of organic waste.

·         R.2: Activated citizens contribute to sustainable management of organic waste:

• R.2.1: Conducted an electronic survey to determine the level of knowledge of the public about the harmful effects and benefits of bio-waste treatment.

• R.2.2: About 100,000 covered by a promotional campaign to raise public awareness of the harmful effects of uncontrolled handling of the organic component of household waste and the benefits of using bio-waste, using digital tools, social networks and other e- channels.

·         • R.2.3: Around 1000 households, active in the selection and selective collection of organic waste for processing into useful products (products obtained in a Bio-technological laboratory or bio compost which improves the characteristics of soil).

·         • R.2.4: Developed conceptual solutions for integrated management of bio-waste in the beneficiary municipalities

·         R.3: Completed promotional event to present the project results and informed about 100,000 citizens