“Supporting youth-led initiatives to assist protection and sustainable development of UNESCO World Heritage Lake Ohrid”

Project Reference #3
Project Title:




Financed by:


“Supporting youth-led initiatives to assist protection and sustainable development of UNESCO World Heritage Lake Ohrid”

(September 2021 – March 2022)


Programme of Participation in the activities of Member States for 2020-2021under UNESKO

Implementing Partners: Program related: Ministry of Culture,National Commission for UNESKO – R. of North Macedonia

Administration and Financial Management: Resource Environmental Center (REC) – North Macedonia

Project Aim: The aim of the project is to bridge the awareness, knowledge, and capacity gaps among secondary school students in the municipality of Ohrid towards recognizing, accepting and protecting the singular qualities of their region.

Target group, Secondary school students in the municipality of Ohrid area (15-19 y/o)

Expected results: (1)    Maximum 20 teachers from 4 secondary schools in Ohrid have successfully piloted the UNESCO educational resource kit World Heritage in Hands of Youth in the curriculum of at least two subjects (biology, geography, chemistry, history, civic education or whatsoever)

(2)    Up to 100 students from 4 secondary schools in the municipality of Ohrid have attended field trips to various important natural and cultural sites in the lake Ohrid region under the supervision of experts from various fields and CSO representatives;

(3)    Up to 100 students from 4 secondary schools in the municipality of Ohrid have produced maximum 20 research projects;

(4)    3 the best student projects (out of 20) are enacted through a public outreach campaign;

(5)    Up to 100 students from 4 secondary schools in the municipality of Ohrid have attended a workshop on attending public hearings, writing letters to decision-makers and preparing requests for information – followed by attending a public hearing, writing a letter to decision-makers and preparing a request for information;

Expected impacts: (1)    Raise the awareness of secondary school students from the Lake Ohrid area on the natural and cultural values of the Lake Ohrid region as well as improving the knowledge on UN SDGs tiny related to sustainable development (including climate change);

(2)    Initiate youth action through networking with active local civil society organizations, peer groups and experts;

(3)    Educate and motivate secondary school students to actively participate in the decision-making process and create lasting bottom-up pressure on decision-makers when needed.