SVAP – Rapid Watershed Assessment for the Western Balkans“

Project Reference # 8
Project Title:


Financed by:

 SVAP – Rapid Watershed Assessment for the Western Balkans“


United States Forestry Service (USFS)- Department of Agriculture

Implementing Partners: Partner organization: REC offices in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Administration and Financial Management for RNM: Resource Environmental Center (REC) – North Macedonia

Project Aim: The aim of the projectis noting and evaluating the problems with water management in the Western Balkan region as well as to outline the possible ways of cooperation for resolving and attenuation of some of the challenges that the water management in the region is facing.

Work Package I: Capacity building for providing tools that enable the assessment of watershed conditions and its environmental implications.

(1)    Two levels of intervention have been foreseen:

(2)    At the local level: Organization of local workshops on the utilization of the SVAP tool for CSOs working with the community and local schools.

(3)    At the regional level: Organization of a regional workshop with representation from the communities of the neighboring countries involved with the purpose of creating a common forum for the discussion and sharing of best practices on effective SVAP implementation and advocacy.

Work Package II (only for Bosnia and Hercegovina and Albania).

(1)    Support to local communities in the form of small grants for the administration of the SVAP methodology for assessing river course conditions and watershed parameters. Actions planned include: Pollution source mapping; local community events and advocacy; education and awareness-raising; engagement of watershed governance bodies; legal and/or managerial framework changes.


Expected results and impacts: (4)    Drafting Assessment Report related to North Macedonia water management and affronted challenges.

(5)    Regional Workshops on Rapid Watershed Assessment for the Western Balkans (together with representatives from Municipalities) in Sarajevo, Tirana and Podgorica

(6)    Cooperation with 2 Municipalities on water management in RNM

(7)    The drafting and dissemination of a Common Declaration regarding lessons learned and best practices on watershed condition assessment and management